Fieldstone Farm-OurHorses-Butterscotch-Alpha-768x512


Generously donated by
Dennis Smolinski

Generously sponsored by
The Helen F. Stolier & Louis Stolier Family Foundation

Hi everyone! I would like to take a few minutes of your time to tell you a bit about myself. My name is Butterscotch, hence my cool champagne color; there is not another like me here in the barn! I am a registered Kentucky Mountain Horse, which means I am gaited. I am quite the cutie patootie. I am fine-boned, standing about 14 hands tall, with very soft, sweet eyes. I was born in 2006 under the name, Ivory’s Angel Butter. I prefer Butterscotch.

I was donated in December of 2017 by Dennis Smolinski in memory of his wife. I was her horse. We went on a few trail rides and did some lessons together. Most of all, I was there to brighten her day. She loved me very much and gave me lots of attention. Dennis wanted a special place for me where he knew I would be loved and given the attention I was used to. He certainly picked the right place as I get lots of attention here. Of course, I am very cute and inquisitive which helps.

There are so many things for me to do here. I love all the games and activities in the ring. I especially love to be groomed. You may notice I like to play with the reins or lead line. Please do not encourage this behavior. I am the perfect size for ground lessons and have very good manners. I am also quite comfy to ride; you will notice my riders do not bounce when trotting on me.  I do have a forward, active walk. Please do not pull or hang on my head, especially at the trot. I need my head to carry myself in my gait. I guess it is more like a shuffle. It really isn’t that fast, which makes me perfect for the timid riders.

You will notice how I light up when I see you coming to my stall. I really like to work. I am very perceptive so you will see me checking everything out as we warm up. I just want to familiarize myself with the ring activities. I am smart and learn new things every day. If you want to read more about me, check out the story on page 10 and 11 in our 2019 annual report. See you soon folks!